Special embryo culture media
Special embryo culture media help the embryo to implant into the endometrium. They are especially recommended if there are repeated miscarriages behind the treatments.
Special culture media for embryo culture
Special embryo culture media help the embryo to implant into the endometrium. The culture media contain the natural growth factor cytokine (GM-CSF). Cytokine is produced during pregnancy and it supports communication between the embryo and the endometrium. Cytokine added to the culture medium creates a growth environment that mimics the natural environment of the uterus and, thus, increases the likelihood of embryo implantation. Low cytokine levels can lead to failed embryo implantation. Felicitas Mehiläinen uses the EmbryoGen and BlastGen special culture media.
When are special media used?
The EmbryoGen medium is used if the embryo transfer takes place on the second or third day after egg retrieval. The BlastGen medium, on the other hand, is used in connection with blastocyst culture, i.e. extended embryo culture.
Special media are especially recommended if there are repeated miscarriages or biochemical pregnancies behind the treatments or if the failure of fertility treatments remains unexplained.