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Felicitas Mehiläinen is the leading fertility clinic in Finland providing a wide variety of fertility treatments ranging from basic infertility care to the most advanced IVF technology available today.


Joukahaisenkatu 1 C, 6. floor (Eurocity)
20520 Turku

Clinic opening hours:
Mon–Fri 8.00–15.30

010 414 6650

Customer service by phone:
Mon–Fri 8–16
Tue 8–17
Sat 8.30–13.30

Felicitas Mehiläinen Turku is located in Eurocity building, next to Kupittaa train station and Mehiläinen NEO outpatient clinic. Take elevator to the 6th floor. Please ring the door bell.


Why Felicitas Mehiläinen

Felicitas Mehiläinen is the leading fertility clinic in Finland providing a wide variety of fertility treatments ranging from basic infertility care to the most advanced IVF technology available today.
Over 30 years of experience has made it possible for the Felicitas Mehiläinen to offer the highest standards of patient care and reproductive health services in a modern and comfortable clinic.
Our doctors and scientists have always been at the forefront of IVF science and development; in fact, our founder, was part of the team involved in the birth of the Finland’s first IVF baby in 1984.
We always remain focused on the individual needs of each and every patient. We always put out patients first, and that is why we work so hard to listen to and treat every patient individually.