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Tuominen Minna

I am a social educator, Master of Theology and a Playback Theatre director. I have done relationship work with individuals, couples and groups for over 20 years. I graduated as a special-level couples psychotherapist from the training programme of the Family Federation of Finland in 2012. My therapeutic framework is integrative and emotionally focused therapy (EFT). I am one of the authors of the book Toisenlainen tie- tahaton lapsettomuus, kriisi ja selviytyminen (“A different kind of road – involuntary childlessness, crisis and survival”). (Kirjapaja 2015)

I was born in 1972. Since 2014, I have worked full-time as an expert in family and relationship work and part-time as a psychotherapist.

Psychotherapy treats the mind. Together with the patient, I go over the tools for mental well-being during involuntary childlessness and fertility treatments. You can come see me alone to consider, for example, your life situation, relationships, sexuality, feelings or what it would be like to be an independent mother. I also welcome couples and families in any situation.

As a therapist, I am warm, friendly, sensitive, thorough and goal-oriented.
At the appointment, I try to ensure that the patient feels seen, heard and understood as they are.

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