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Miscarriage and miscarriage counselling

Miscarriage can cause worry and sadness. Our miscarriage counsellors are there to support and help anyone who has experienced a miscarriage.


About 10–15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. 80% of miscarriages occur during the first trimester of pregnancy. In addition, a miscarriage can occur at a very early stage even before there is knowledge of a pregnancy.

A miscarriage causes a lot of concern and those who have experienced one need support. A miscarriage is always a crisis and evokes big emotions. You lose something meaningful very suddenly. Miscarriage is a holistic experience as it is also experienced physically. On the other hand, the partner may feel helpless and inadequate in trying to comfort their spouse. 

Our miscarriage counselling service helps anyone who has experienced a miscarriage

Our miscarriage counselling service is a low-threshold service for everyone who has experienced a miscarriage. In the service, we focus especially on aftercare, so that the woman who experienced a miscarriage and their partner can continue to move forward insofar as possible.

Comprehensive care after a miscarriage can prevent even serious health emergencies and help recover from a traumatic experience. With the help of diagnostics and further survey of the situation, we can also determine, for example, if there is a need for a preimplantation genetic diagnostic test in order to avoid the next miscarriage. The miscarriage counselling service is available to everyone. You can contact us at any stage of miscarriage. We want to support and help all women and couples who have experienced a miscarriage.

Our miscarriage counselling service provides

Typical symptoms and causes of miscarriage

Typical symptoms of miscarriage are red or brownish bleeding which may be accompanied by tissue fragments. In addition to bleeding, lower abdominal and back pain may also occur due to uterine contractions.

The cause of the miscarriage can be investigated with a POC study. More than half of miscarriages are due to chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus. Other causes include abnormalities in the structure of the uterus or hormonal causes.

The risk of miscarriage is increased if the woman or man is over 35 years of age, there are previous miscarriages, obesity, polycystic ovaries or a poorly controlled disease such as diabetes.

The risk of miscarriage may be slightly increased by the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, alcohol, tobacco and drugs during pregnancy, as well as by uterine procedures such as amniocentesis and placental sampling.

Likelihood of miscarriage

Having one miscarriage does not yet increase the likelihood of another miscarriage. However, if there are several previous miscarriages, there is also a higher chance of a new miscarriage. More than three miscarriages are deemed recurrent miscarriages.

Medical treatment of miscarriage

The majority of miscarriages are medically treated at home with the help of medications prescribed by a doctor. The bleeding and pain can come as a surprise and adequate pain alleviating medication is important. A follow-up examination by a specialist is carried out to study the causes of the miscarriage, survey the current situation and find out what measures are available to avoid a new miscarriage. In the follow-up examination, we can also ensure that the uterus is completely empty and prevent possible uterine inflammation.

Recovery from miscarriage

Grieving is an important part of recovering from a miscarriage. It is easy to start imagining your life with a baby after a positive pregnancy test. Without adequate grieving and support, the emotions caused by miscarriage can surface again with a new pregnancy or other life crises. Support provided in the early stages of a crisis prevents and alleviates the stress of the traumatic situation.

Learn more: Chemical pregnancy and early miscarriage

Book a Felicitas Mehiläinen miscarriage counselling service appointment by calling the Felicitas Mehiläinen customer service at +358 (0) 10 414 6650 or via our online service.

You can also leave us a contact request if you want us to contact you later.

Why Felicitas Mehiläinen

Felicitas Mehiläinen is the leading fertility clinic in Finland providing a wide variety of fertility treatments ranging from basic infertility care to the most advanced IVF technology available today.
Over 30 years of experience has made it possible for the Felicitas Mehiläinen to offer the highest standards of patient care and reproductive health services in a modern and comfortable clinic.
Our doctors and scientists have always been at the forefront of IVF science and development; in fact, our founder, was part of the team involved in the birth of the Finland’s first IVF baby in 1984.
We always remain focused on the individual needs of each and every patient. We always put out patients first, and that is why we work so hard to listen to and treat every patient individually.