Ratsula Kari

I am an obstetrician-gynaecologist. I did my specialist training at Helsinki Women’s Hospital. I worked there when Finland’s first IVF baby was born in 1984. That is when I became interested in helping involuntarily childless couples. After my time at Helsinki Women’s Hospital, I have treated patients at private fertility clinics already for 30 years. I am still satisfied with my choice. The work requires commitment but is particularly rewarding. I try to arrange appointment times for my patients flexibly. I start seeing patients every morning at 7 a.m. at the latest, as not everyone is able to come to an appointment in the middle of the day.
I completed my doctoral thesis on hormonal IUDs in 1989. Hormonal IUDs, which went on to be widely used, have improved the quality of life of millions of women. I am happy to treat women in matters related to contraception and later on the menopause. I perform gynaecological and early pregnancy ultrasound examinations.
Women of all ages can come see me about various problems or, for example, for an ordinary gynaecological examination. Long-term treatment relationships, even lasting more than 30 years, are a sign of successful cooperation and mutual satisfaction. A daughter, mother and grandmother from the same family may attend appointments with me.
My receptions as a gynecologist in Mehiläinen are at Tikkurila Kielotie in Vantaa and Forum, Felicitas and Ympyrätalo in Helsinki. The actual infertility examinations and treatments are offered at Felicitas Mehiläinen in Helsinki. Welcome to my practice!
Specialities and special qualifications
- Fertility examinations during the first appointment
- Gynaecologist
- Fertility advice service
Areas of interest
- Fertility treatments at Felicitas Mehiläinen
- Fertility examinations and treatments
- Pregnancy and childbirth
- Gynaecological diseases
- Contraception